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Szkoła ponadpodstawowaJęzyk angielski

W zadaniach 9.1.–9.4. spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens
wyróżnionego zdania lub jego fragmentu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.    Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja A 9.1. Why don’t we take part in the competition?
A. Why are we taking part in the competition?
B. What about taking part in the competition?
C. Which competition would you like to take part in?

9.2. It is not necessary for you to help me if you are busy.
A. You mustn’t help
B. You couldn’t help
C. You don’t need to help

9.3. He wasn’t strong enough to lift the suitcase.
A. He was too weak to lift the suitcase.
B. He lifted the suitcase although he was weak.
C. He was so strong that he lifted the suitcase easily.

9.4. When I was a teenager, I often played football but now I don’t. I’m too busy.
A. wanted to play
B. used to play
C. had to play   Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja B 9.1. Why don’t we take part in the competition?
A. What about taking part in the competition?
B. Why are we taking part in the competition?
C. Which competition would you like to take part in?

9.2. It is not necessary for you to help me if you are busy.
A. You mustn’t help
B. You don’t need to help
C. You couldn’t help

9.3. He wasn’t strong enough to lift the suitcase.
A. He was so strong that he lifted the suitcase easily.
B. He lifted the suitcase although he was weak.
C. He was too weak to lift the suitcase.

9.4. When I was a teenager, I often played football but now I don’t. I’m too busy.
A. wanted to play
B. had to play
C. used to play

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Awatar autora: Roksana


Język angielski

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Awatar autora: Roksana
Anglistka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w nauczaniu języka angielskiego. Prywatnie fanka filmów science fiction oraz miłośniczka kuchni włoskiej.
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