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Szkoła ponadpodstawowaJęzyk angielski

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We live in an overcrowded world, but many individuals feel alone and isolated. Loneliness is seen as a big problem for the mental health of the population, so much so that 1)
British government has a Minister for Loneliness. But which age group suffers most 2) loneliness? When the BBC conducted a survey on loneliness, involving 55,000 people from almost 240 different countries, the experiment showed that loneliness is felt throughout life. However, people aged between 16 and 24 experience loneliness even more intensely 3) .. any other age group. The question is 4) .... you can be lonely in a crowd. Of course you can. If you feel that no one understands you, you can feel lonely anywhere. However, don't give 5) Take up a new sport or a new hobby. Remember that there are always people who want to be your friends

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Awatar autora: Roksana


Język angielski

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Awatar autora: Roksana
Anglistka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w nauczaniu języka angielskiego. Prywatnie fanka filmów science fiction oraz miłośniczka kuchni włoskiej.
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