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Szkoła ponadpodstawowaJęzyk angielski

Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na zdania w stronie biernej używając dwóch różnych sposobów.
1. Police believe that the suspect killed the man in his house.
2. Everybody expected that the Prime Ministers will announce the formation of the cabinet by Friday.
3. We all understand that the many melodies have amazing effects on our emotions.
4. People say that Mr Jones has resigned from the post for personal reasons.
5. Research studies raport that television and the media are one of the most important influences on children and adolescents.
6. Everybody knows that the company is working on a new kind of product.
7. Everybody thinks that the History graduates will organise a 25th anniversary reunion.
8. People hope that the new complex will create opportunites for leisure, community and cultural activities.
9. Some surgeons feel that surgical intervention will benefit the patient.

Odpowiedź nauczyciela

Awatar autora: Roksana


Język angielski

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Awatar autora: Roksana
Anglistka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w nauczaniu języka angielskiego. Prywatnie fanka filmów science fiction oraz miłośniczka kuchni włoskiej.
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