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Szkoła ponadpodstawowaJęzyk angielski

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.    __ __ __
I went into one of my favourite local restaurants recently and sat down at a table near
the door. The place was practically empty, so most of the tables were free. After a couple
of minutes, a member of the staff came up to me and said, “I see you’ve seated yourself.”
“Yes,” I replied.
“Didn’t you see the ‘Please Wait to Be Seated’ sign?” she asked angrily.
I’d been to that restaurant many times and, of course, I’d seen the sign before.
“Gosh, I didn’t notice it,” I said.
“Well, you may have to wait some time for the waiter to come to you,” she said.
There was no other customer within 50 feet, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that
I had ignored the notice. Sometimes the American love of order goes too far.
To take another example, some years ago, America’s airlines began requiring passengers
to present photographic identification when checking in for a domestic flight. The first time
I heard of this was when I showed up to catch a plane at an airport 120 miles from my home.
“I need to see your picture ID*,” said the check-in agent.
“Really? I don’t think I have any,” I said and began emptying my pockets, and then pulling my
cards from my wallet. In the end, I found an ID with my picture. It was an old driving licence.
“I can’t accept it; it’s fifteen years old,” he said. “I need something with a recent picture of
I took a deep breath and searched my luggage. Finally, I remembered I had a copy of one of
my books with a recent photo of me on the cover. I handed it to him proudly.
He looked at the book and then at the printed list of acceptable IDs. “Books are not on our
list,” he said.
“I’m sure it isn’t, but it’s still me. It couldn’t be more me.” I lowered my voice and looked
closer at him. “Are you seriously suggesting that I ordered this book to be printed so I could
get on a plane to Buffalo?”
He looked hard at me for another minute, then called a colleague. They exchanged opinions
and called more people to discuss it. We ended up with a crowd of three check-in agents,
their manager, the manager’s boss and two baggage handlers.
“What is the point of all this anyway?” I said to the manager. “Why do you need a picture ID?”
“It’s a Federal Aviation Administration rule,” he said.
“But why is it a rule?”
“You see the requirement is not simply to identify yourself, but to identify yourself in a way
that precisely matches a written instruction,” he answered.
In the end, the manager told the agent to check me in, but warned me not to try anything like
that again.
Na podstawie: Bill Bryson, Notes from a Big Country
* ID – identity document.

Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja A 6.1. The woman working in the restaurant was annoyed because the author
A. had expected to be served immediately.
B. had refused to follow her to another table.
C. had sat in the wrong part of the restaurant.
D. had chosen a seat in the restaurant himself.

6.2. At the airport, the author was told that he
A. would have to travel 120 miles to another airport.
B. needed two IDs to get on the plane.
C. had an ID which was not acceptable.
D. had to catch a later flight.

6.3. The author showed the check-in agent a copy of his book in order to
A. prove that he was a well-known writer.
B. identify himself with an up-to-date photograph.
C. check if his books were on the agent’s list.
D. attract the attention of people standing nearby.

6.4. The manager at the airport told the author to
A. follow the regulations in the future.
B. search his personal luggage once again.
C. explain why he didn’t have any ID on him.
D. read the instructions after boarding the plane.

6.5. Which is the best title for the story?
D. A MISSED CHANCE   Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja B 6.1. The woman working in the restaurant was annoyed because the author
A. had chosen a seat in the restaurant himself.
B. had sat in the wrong part of the restaurant.
C. had refused to follow her to another table.
D. had expected to be served immediately.

6.2. At the airport, the author was told that he
A. had to catch a later flight.
B. would have to travel 120 miles to another airport.
C. needed two IDs to get on the plane.
D. had an ID which was not acceptable.

6.3. The author showed the check-in agent a copy of his book in order to
A. attract the attention of people standing nearby.
B. check if his books were on the agent’s list.
C. identify himself with an up-to-date photograph.
D. prove that he was a well-known writer.

6.4. The manager at the airport told the author to
A. search his personal luggage once again.
B. follow the regulations in the future.
C. explain why he didn’t have any ID on him.
D. read the instructions after boarding the plane.

6.5. Which is the best title for the story?

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Awatar autora: Roksana


Język angielski

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Awatar autora: Roksana
Anglistka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w nauczaniu języka angielskiego. Prywatnie fanka filmów science fiction oraz miłośniczka kuchni włoskiej.
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