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Szkoła ponadpodstawowaJęzyk angielski

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery części (A–D), oraz pytania go
dotyczące (4.1.–4.5.). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: w jednej części tekstu znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.   In which paragraph does the author 4.1. give examples of temporary changes which had to be made to complete
a task?    4.2. mention a decision taken in response to a negative reaction from the public?    4.3. suggest that moving certain buildings was relatively easy due to the materials
used for their construction?    4.4. refer to a comparison someone made while observing buildings being moved?   4.5. point to the poor condition of a building which was being relocated?     HOUSES ON WHEELS

A. Hundreds of San Franciscans lined the streets on Sunday with phones ready to snap
a photo of a unique procession slowly making its way through the city. “Ladies and
gentlemen, please stand on the sidewalk. There’s a house coming down the street,”
a police loudspeaker warned the crowds. The two-storey Victorian building, known as
the Englander House, had spent more than a century in the heart of San Francisco. But
for years it had stood vacant and was in need of extensive repair. As the city suffers from
a housing shortage, the authorities decided to build a block of flats in its place. B. Instead of demolishing the beautiful building, a specialist team lifted it off its foundations,
put it on wheels, and pulled it to a new location six blocks away. To make sure everything
went as smoothly as possible, parking meters and traffic signs along the route had to be
removed for a day. The hardest part of the journey was when the massive building had to
go downhill. The six-bedroom house travelled slowly down the road with excited
observers following behind. It was the first time a Victorian house had been relocated in
50 years, but it was certainly not the first time ever. C. Relocating houses is a little-known part of San Francisco’s history. As far back as 1886,
Mark Twain chronicled a similar move for the local newspaper. “Last night an old house
drifted down Sutter Street towards Montgomery,” he wrote. The scene depicted by Twain
may seem bizarre, but it was quite a common sight at the time. San Francisco’s houses,
built almost entirely of redwood, were light in comparison to brick houses. The 1900
edition of the city’s business directory listed nine companies offering to move a home to
a new address. D. The city’s most famous move – and probably its biggest – happened in the 1970s, when
a redevelopment agency set out to clear an entire community and build new housing that
would attract wealthy residents. More than 4,000 families had to leave their homes and
roughly 2,500 Victorian homes were torn down. But 12 were saved from destruction. Due
to local residents’ anger over the Victorian buildings being demolished, the agency
agreed to auction the 12 houses and transport them out of the area. “It was like moving
a group of giant elephants,” said a witness to the event. Na podstawie: www.theguardian.com

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Język angielski

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