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Wykorzystując wyrazy podane WIELKIMI literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (13.1.–13.3.). Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.
13.1. Take an umbrella or you’ll get wet.
You’ll get wet ___________________________________________ take an umbrella.
13.2. We must find a quiet place to talk because it is so noisy here.TOO
We must find a quiet place to talk because there ______________________________
_____________________________ noise here.
13.3. Let’s go to the theatre on Friday!ABOUT
How ____________________________________________________ to the theatre
on Friday?Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 12.1.–12.3. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
From: Jack
To: Paul, Mike, Scott
Subject: Fun ideaHi everybody,
I think I have a great idea. Just yesterday I finished reading The Time Machine by
HG Wells. It is about a machine which was designed to transport its passengers
through time. Of course I’m not 12.1. _____ to build a similar one, but I found on the
internet that there is a Pretend To Be A Time Traveller Day. The day 12.2. _____ on
8th December. So that means it will be next Sunday. My idea is that we dress up as
teenagers 12.3. _____ the 1950s. Then we can go to the city centre and ask
strangers what year it is and pretend to be shocked by their mobile phones or other
technology. It should be fun. Are you interested?Write back,
JackArkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja X
A. making
B. doing
C. going12.2.
A. has celebrated
B. is celebrating
C. is celebrated12.3.
A. from
B. since
C. onArkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja Y
A. making
B. going
C. doing12.2.
A. is celebrated
B. is celebrating
C. has celebrated12.3.
A. on
B. since
C. fromPrzeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te, które są poprawnym uzupełnieniem luk 11.1.–11.3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok numeru każdej luki.
Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja X
Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja Y
A team of window cleaners arrived at a Canadian hospital last week. They
11.1. _____ on Spider-Man and Batman costumes and prepared their equipment.
The superheroes started cleaning windows at the top of the building, and slowly
went down the outside of the building on ropes. They 11.2. _____ when the children
on the sixth floor started clapping happily. Some of them took photos of the
superheroes.Chris Johns, who was dressed as Batman, says: “It was a very sunny and hot day
on Tuesday, so working in a black costume wasn’t 11.3. _____, but when I looked
at the kids’ smiling faces, I knew it was a great idea!”Na podstawie: www.bbc.com
Przeczytaj teksty 1. i 2. Uzupełnij w e-mailu Janka luki 10.1.–10.3. zgodnie z treścią tekstów, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens podanych informacji. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku polskim.
Tekst 1.
I just love the mystery gift box idea. It’s such fun getting lots of surprising
things. Some time ago I bought a mystery gift box for my mum. She loved all
the little things in it, like lipsticks and earrings, but her favourite was a pair of
sunglasses. All the items were good quality. I can’t wait to order a mystery gift
box for my sister next month!
Tekst 2.Painted garden stones – a beautiful and unusual gift for your mum!
Do it yourself.
1. Find some flat stones.
2. Wash the stones and wait for an hour to let them dry.
3. Paint the stones white, at least twice. Painting them only
once is not enough to give them a bright white colour.
4. Leave the stones for at least 3 hours to let the paint dry.
5. Take a black marker and write the names of different fruits and vegetables on
the stones.
6. Decorate them with colourful stickers.
7. Your gift is ready! Your mum can use the stones in her garden to mark where
seeds* or plants are growing.Na podstawie: craftsbyamanda.com
* Seeds – nasiona.
Od: Janek
Do: Basia
Temat: Prezent dla mamyBasiu,
jeżeli nadal nie wymyśliłaś prezentu dla mamy, myślę, że mam dla Ciebie ciekawe
pomysły. Czytałem ostatnio opinię chłopaka, który zamówił dla swojej mamy prezent
niespodziankę: tajemnicze pudełko wypełnione różnymi drobiazgami. Jego mamie
spodobały się zwłaszcza 10.1. ___________________________________________.A jeśli chcesz, możesz też sama zrobić prezent dla mamy. Co sądzisz o ręcznie
zdobionych kamykach do oznaczenia roślin w ogrodzie?
Z instrukcji, którą zobaczyłem w internecie, wynika, że to nic trudnego. Wystarczy, że
znajdziesz płaskie kamienie. Potem musisz 10.2. ____________________________
i odczekać godzinę. Następnie malujesz je na biało przynajmniej 10.3. ___________
_________________________.A, i najważniejsze! Na tych kamieniach napisz koniecznie nazwy owoców i warzyw,
które Twoja mama planuje posiać w ogrodzie. Kamienie możesz też udekorować
jakimiś fajnymi naklejkami.W razie czego chętnie Ci pomogę.
Trzymaj się!
Przeczytaj trzy opisy podcastów (A–C) oraz zdania 9.1.–9.4. Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy opis. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jeden z opisów pasuje do dwóch zdań.
Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja X
A. The Past and The Curious
This podcast is presented by a history teacher who tells amusing
stories about the past. Even when he talks about dramatic battles,
important coronations and dangerous journeys, he will always find
some little-known details which will bring a smile to your face.
Although it’s not a music podcast, there’s a song in each episode so
children will easily remember what the podcast was about. In the final
part of the podcast there is a quiz which allows listeners to check what
they have learned.B. Forever Ago
Every episode explores the history of just one thing, for example
the sandwich, the video game or the clock. The podcast teaches
listeners to think critically about the past. You’ll discover that all
everyday objects have stories to tell. In each episode, a child guest
invited to the studio asks questions and the podcast presenter
answers them.C. A History of the World in 100 Objects
In each episode, Neil MacGregor presents a different object from
the huge collection of the British Museum. He worked at the museum
for many years and is the best person for the job. He talks about
the people who made and used each object. Some objects that Neil
talks about are damaged or not complete. However, all of their stories
are fascinating.Arkusz egzaminacyjny: wersja Y
A. A History of the World in 100 Objects
In each episode, Neil MacGregor presents a different object from
the huge collection of the British Museum. He worked at the museum
for many years and is the best person for the job. He talks about
the people who made and used each object. Some objects that Neil
talks about are damaged or not complete. However, all of their stories
are fascinating.B. The Past and The Curious
This podcast is presented by a history teacher who tells amusing
stories about the past. Even when he talks about dramatic battles,
important coronations and dangerous journeys, he will always find
some little-known details which will bring a smile to your face.
Although it’s not a music podcast, there’s a song in each episode so
children will easily remember what the podcast was about. In the final
part of the podcast there is a quiz which allows listeners to check what
they have learned.C. Forever Ago
Every episode explores the history of just one thing, for example
the sandwich, the video game or the clock. The podcast teaches
listeners to think critically about the past. You’ll discover that all
everyday objects have stories to tell. In each episode, a child guest
invited to the studio asks questions and the podcast presenter
answers them.9.1. In this podcast listeners have a chance to test their knowledge. 9.2. Some items discussed in this podcast are not in perfect condition. 9.3. Two people take part in each episode of this podcast. 9.4. In this podcast listeners hear funny facts connected with historical events.